Design of building structures
KREYO’s experience in the field of designing building constructions, combined with an understanding of the latest trends in this field helps us offer quality solutions to our customers.
Our team is specialized in the preparation of structural projects, each of which includes a structural part, which can be completed in several phases. The preparation of the conceptual phase includes formwork plans of the building, excavation plans, excavation retaining structures and concrete reinforcement plans. It serves as the basis for the elaboration of the next phases of the project. Through the conceptual phase the basic parameters of the project are established, which at a later stage, will steer KREYO’s team to the choice of the most suitable technical solution.
The conceptual phase serves as a basis for the elaboration of the working phase project. It is subject to approval and is the grounds for issuing a building permission. In the construction project the details specified in the working project are clarified and in the construction phase project all the drawings and details that are necessary for the performance of the construction are given. All final plans of the building are included – formwork and reinforcement plans , excavation plan, final static-dynamic analysis and quantitative account.
Due to its participation in large-scale international projects our team continuously acquires technical skills that allow us to deal with each challenge in the most suitable way. Our work with partners, who use the latest trends in the calculation of building constructions, allows us to successfully distribute the work among ourselves and to optimize the work processes.